Loetz Glass
The following drawings are from Loetz design books.

11-1245 (II-1245-aA-1-3)
A: 1/3 T .; B: 156 mm; C: grind away / distended / sanded away / grind away - lower part: pink, wave-optically metallized / upper part: lemon-yellow, wave-optically metallized / insert: crystal smooth: E: 1245/3 parts, 1 night lamp pink with lemon-yellow, wave-optically metallized. Insert crystal. 2.- K, Ludwig Frankel, Berlin - June 21, 1904 (FB 1902-1909, fol. 98-100); H: olejova lampa / 0llampe / oil lamp.

II-1243 (II-1243-aA-1-3)
A: 1/3 T .; W: 111 mm; C: abraded / abraded / abraded / abraded • 3 handles • with insert & Obertheil • abraded; E: 1243/3 parts, 1 night lamp may green phenomenon size. 1243. Use of maigrun, 4.- K, Ludwig Frankel, Berlin - 21.6. 1904 (FB 1902-1909, fol. 98-100); H: olejova lampa / 0llampe / oil lamp.

11-1244 (II-1244-aA-1-3)
A: 1 3 T. B: 143 mm; C: sanding away / sanding away / sanding away / sanded off • 3 lumps • 3 lumps • sanded off (insert). E: 1244/3 parts, 1 night lamp aurora running metalized wave optic with silver lumps. Insert crystal, 2.- K, Ludwig Frankel, Berlin - 21. 6. 1904 (FB 1902-1909, fol. 98-100): H: olejova lampa I 0llampe I oil lamp.
The following images from a Loetz catalog illustrate candle lamps, posey holders, and duel purpose floral designs. Some candle designs are easy to identify, others not so much.